Weight control
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Green Tea
The polyphenols in green tea have proven to be effective in weight control thanks to the synergistic action of its components which have a thermogenic fat burning effect.
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Green coffee
The combination of caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and polyphenols from green coffee have proven to be effective in weight control thanks to the synergistic action of these components which have a thermogenic fat burning effect.
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Spirusol is the commercial brand of Solchem spirulina that stands out for its high protein content, more than 60%. A high degree of safety standards are adhered to, since, in its production, special care is taken to ensure the absence of contaminants, including those that are present in other blue-green algae. In addition to proteins, Spirusol contains important antioxidant pigments such as: carotenes (beta-carotene), chlorophyll, phycocyanin, xanthophylls and zeaxanthin.
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